Contribution of Honda to the Economies of Seven States and the United States
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The motor vehicle industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the United States. No other single industry is linked as closely to the U.S. manufacturing sector or directly generates as much retail business and employment as the motor vehicle industry. This study describes the economic contribution of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. and all of its U.S. Honda-affiliate companies.

The importance of this study is directly related to the importance of foreign direct investment and operations in the sustainability of the overall U.S. automotive industry. The domestic auto industry in the United States has undergone a restructuring. International manufacturers, however, have continued to expand operations here. Honda has been a pioneer in the localization of its manufacturing and R&D activities in the United Sates. Honda has consistently expanded its product development and manufacturing capabilities in the United States. A better understanding, then, of the role of Honda in the U.S. economy leads to a better understanding of the industry as a whole and how it will change in the future and further impact the U.S. economy.

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