Affiliates Program

Case Study

Tier 1 Supplier leverages CAR’s Affiliate Program in Discussion of Connected & Automated Vehicles


ZF  |  Strategic Planning Team


CAR Affiliate ZF utilized CAR to host a group visit to discuss connected and automated vehicle technology and futures to foster a discussion on the subject of autonomous driving and ADAS as part of their strategy planning process.


ZF required external industry information and insight into the future of connected and automated vehicle technology to support long term strategic planning.


ZF is constantly seeking out new ways to captialize on key technologies that are driving our industry forward. ZF sees ADAS, autonomous driving, and connected vehicles as key technologies and playing a bigger and bigger role at ZF (especially
given the recent acquisition of TRW).

CAR worked with ZF’s team assess their needs and prepared an overview autonomous driving and ADAS technologies including covering technology status and trends to facilitate discussion around the outlook and trends related to connected and automated vehicle technology and futures.


CAR hosted an international team from ZF who was examining autonomous driving and ADAS in various markets and presented: “The Convergence of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges” which formed the basis for discussion during the meeting. In addition CAR invited outside experts to speak to other aspects of the local activities including Ann Arbor Spark and the development team focused on the Willow Run CAV center development. The CAR team facilitated open dialogue and discussion among the team to enable further understanding and address questions. The visit and discussion hosted by CAR enabled the ZF strategy team to gain insight and exposure to current and future development activities, trends and outlook and to compare their own strategies and understanding of the CAV / ADAS technologies with that of CAR and other experts.

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